TBRM UltraGas silicone oil free 競技比賽專用 12kg green gas



TBRM Precision致力於提供最佳的Airsoft耗材 為了追求高品質 產品皆由本身就熱愛Airsoft的老闆嚴格把關而產出 獨家環保礦彈! 超高硬度!不碎彈! 無氣泡、真圓5.95mm 2022年出現在市場,目前在台灣、香港擁有廣大的支持者 也是IDPA、IPSC選手、各大活動、生存遊戲場地的指定用BB彈 在2024年末再續佳作,TBRM UltraGas TBRM UltraGas 專為氣槍競技比賽比賽設計 採用穩壓配方 有別於一般瓦斯以公斤數計算壓力 為求平均穩定的壓力,而是以平均PSI(壓力單位)計算 TBRM UltraGas競技瓦斯 平均167psi,峰值達到172psi 大公斤數的壓力,已不再是好瓦斯的唯一條件,該追求的是平均穩定的壓力。 你想要第一匣初速140 最後一匣初速120,還是每一匣初速都維持130呢? TBRM UltraGas競技瓦斯,每次灌瓦斯所流失的壓力衰減範圍更少,在同樣壓力下內可以榨出更飽滿的壓力,提升初速並提供穩定的續行力。 使用TBRM UltraGas確保您第一發打到最後一發都可以擁有維持穩定初速。 TBRM Precision is dedicated to providing top-quality Airsoft consumables. Committed to pursuing excellence, our products undergo stringent quality control by the owner, who is an avid Airsoft enthusiast. Introducing the Exclusive Eco-friendly Mineral BBs! With extraordinary durability and shatterproof features, these BBs are void of air bubbles and are perfectly spherical at 5.95mm. First launched in 2022, our products have garnered significant support in Taiwan and Hong Kong markets. They are the designated BBs for IDPA, IPSC users, major events, and survival game venues. Continuing our legacy by the end of 2024, presenting the TBRM UltraGas. TBRM UltraGas, specially crafted for competitive airsoft tournaments, utilizes a stabilized formula. Unlike typical gas measured in kilograms for pressure, we focus on average PSI (pressure units) for consistent and stabilized pressure levels. The TBRM UltraGas for competitions averages 167 PSI, peaking at 172 PSI. We believe that high kilograms of pressure no longer define good gas; instead, stability in maintaining consistent pressure is the key. Do you prefer a first magazine velocity of 140 and a last magazine velocity of 120, or a consistent velocity of 130 for each magazine? With TBRM UltraGas for competitions, the loss of pressure with each gas fill-up decreases significantly. This means you can extract fuller pressure at the same level, enhancing initial velocity and ensuring sustained performance. By using TBRM UltraGas, guarantee a consistent initial velocity from your first shot to your last.

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